Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sobriety Tester

With all the holidays upon us, understandably some of us will be drinking alcoholic beverages. This circuit can be used as a guideline how much you have had to drink and how good your reaction time is. This circuit does not tell you whether you are over the legal limit of alcohol in in your blood. This circuit can also be use for fun to test your reaction time. The circuit works as follows. Imagine for the moment that S1 switch is depressed which causes it to be open and S2 switch is closed. On command from someone acting as the tester, the person depressing S1 must remove his/her hand from the switch S1 and with the same hand toggle switch S2 to the open position.. When S1 is released, charging current begins to flow into capacitor C2 through R1 and R2. This current is interrupted, however, as soon as S2 has been opened. C2 will have accumulated a voltage directly proportional to the reaction time, which is the interval between S1's release and the opening of S2. Longer times create higher voltages and cause higher numbered LED's to light. For example, a sober person might react quickly enough to light LED 2 or LED , while someone truly sloshed will light up to LED 10. To run another test, discharge C2 with S3, then press S1 and, finally, close s2 once more. R1 should be adjusted so that a sober person lights one of the low numbered LED's. The supply voltage says 18 volts but 9, 12, or 15 will work fine also.

Guitar Tuning Aid

The basis of this circuit is the 555 timer operating in the astable mode. The oscillating output can be used as a tuning aid for a guitar. The first string of a guitar ,E, produces a frequency of 82.4 Hz. The frequency of the oscillator is set to twice this value, 164.8 Hz. and then followed by a dived by 2 stage to provide the required frequency. The purpose of the divide by 2 stage is to guarantee that the waveform produced has a duty cycle of 50%. The frequency of oscillation of the circuit is set by the adjustment of R1,R2 and C4. The output of IC2 is fed to the emitter follower Q1 to produce current gain to drive the speaker. C3 acts as a high pass filter to attenuate harmonics and produce a natural sounding note. The circuit is powered by 5 volt dc supply and this voltage must fall within the range of 4.74 to 5.25 volts for IC2 to operate properly.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

VOM Light Meter

This circuit detects the amount of light that is shining on the phototransistor Q1. As the light intensity increases at the input of Q1 the voltage output gets amplified by the 741 op amp IC1. You can typically purchase a analog meter movement unit from Radio Shack still and alot of surplus mail order companies.

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Hands Off

This circuit is based on the 555 timer. It is used to detect whether someone is touching the tip of resistor R2 or is coming close to it. R2 can be connected to anything metal, for example a small piece of copper or tin foil, etc. When someone's hand comes close to this piece of metal or touches it, it will cause the 555 to trigger on pin 2 which will cause it to output a high on pin 3 and turn on the LED. Not only will it turn on the LED but it will also cause the UJT to oscillate and output an alarm sound through the speaker. The tone of the sound is controlled by the combination values of R4 and C3. The UJT Q1 is a 2N2646 but any small signal UJT will work fine.

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Alternate Action Button

I am starting this month with some scans of circuits that I have used years ago that are still useful today. Hopefully the scans are clear enough.
By pressing S1 momentary switch, the 4069 hex inverter will cause the relay to turn on. When S1 is pressed again it will cause the relay to go off. This simple circuit can be used for the bases of many projects. The transistor in the circuit provides enough current to drive the relay.

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60 LED Clock

This months project is based on the 4017 chip that we used in a project last month. If you haven't had a chance to review the basics of the 4017 chip you may want to review the info presented in June's project of the month.
As you can see see we have changed the circuit a little. For example, the 4093 NAND gate is now set to exactly 1 second clock pulses. The clock rate is determined by the resistor and capacitor combination on the 4093. If the resistor is 220k ohms and the capacitor is 4.7uf then the output will be 1 second clock pulses. To increase the clock rate you should decrease the value of the resistor or capacitor. To decrease the clock rate you should increase the value of the resistor or capacitor. Please remember to ground all unused legs of the 4093 or noise in the circuit will occur and cause the clock to malfunction. Therefore, ground pins 5,6,8,9,12, and 13. To operate the circuit simply move the switch from STOP to RUN.

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Count To Ten With Lights

The circuit presented this month is a basic configuration of the very versatile 4017 IC Chip. In the most common use of the IC, it will turn on 10 separate outputs sequentially. Typically, the circuit is used to turn on a LED for certain time cycle. In the circuit shown the VR can be adjusted so that the clock output of the NAND gate will be 1 second. With this clock at 1 second intervals, the 4017 chip will turn on output # 0 to be high which will light and LED. When clock pulse 2 is received a second later, output #1 will go high which will turn on LED2. This process will continue until all 10 outputs have gone on and then it will start all over again until you turn the power off. When building this circuit you should tie the left over pins of the other NAND gates in the CD4093 to ground. Therefore, pins 5,6,8,9, 12 and 13 should be connected to ground.

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Quick Draw

The object of Quick Draw is to test your reaction time against your opponent's. A third person acts as a referee and begins the duel by pressing S1, which lights LED1. Upon seeing LED1 go on, you try to outdraw your opponent by moving S2 from "Holster" position to "Draw" position before your opponent moves S3 from "Holster" to "Draw" position. Who ever gets there first will light the corresponding LED and will automatically prevent the other LED from lighting, clearly indicating a winner.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Touch 'N Flip

Ever wonder how a touch plate, like the kind you see on some elevators and lamps work? This circuit will give you a feel for how the touch plate works in a circuit and you can expand on the circuit to suit your project needs. The touch plate can be a small piece of metal or aluminum foil. Start the circuit by moving S2 to the set position and then back to the previous position. Now press S1. One of the LED's will light. Now touch the touch plate and the LED's will flip on the opposite way. The sensitivity of the plate will vary depending on the humidity. Adjust the VR and capacitor that is connected to S2 to adjust the sensitivity.

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Automotive Speed Indicator

The speed of an automobile can be indicated by detecting the pulses generated by the ignition system and causing an LED to light. The circuit utilizes a quad NOR gate IC chip. Two of the gates are configured as a one shot multivibrator which produces a fixed duration pulse each time the primary circuit of the automobile ignition system opens the circuit to the ignition coil. The other 2 gates are used as buffers which provide an accurate rectangle pulse. As the number of pulses per second increases, the voltage fed to the base of of the NPN transistor becomes high enough to cause it to conduct and turn on the LED. The speed at which the LED lights is set by R4. The input of the circuit is connected to the distributor side of the ignition coil or to the tachometer connection on those cars that are equipped with electronic ignition.

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Assortment of Siren Circuits

This month I am making 3 different types of siren circuits based on the 555 timer. The first circuit simulates the siren of a British police car. It uses two 555 timers in the circuit. The 555 on the right is wired as an alarm tone generator and the second 555 timer on the left is a 1 Hz astable multivibrater. The output of the left timer is to frequency modulate the right timer. This causes the right timers frequency to alternate between 440Hz and 550Hz at a 1 Hz cyclic rate. The transistor is used to help strengthen the signal to the speaker.

The second circuit simulates the siren of an American police car. It uses two 555 timers in the circuit. The 555 on the right is wired as an alarm tone generator and the second 555 timer on the left is wired as a low frequency astable timer which generates a ramp waveform of about 6 seconds that is buffered by the transistor and again used to frequency modulate the tone generator. The transistor is used to help strengthen the signal to the speaker.

The third circuit simulates the "Red Alert" siren from the TV show Star Trek. It uses two 555 timers in the circuit. The 555 on the right is wired as an alarm tone generator and the second 555 timer on the left is wired as a 1.5 second non-symmetrical astable that generates a fast rising but slow falling saw tooth waveform. This waveform is buffered by the transistor and used to frequency modulate the tone generator and making its frequency rise slowly during the falling parts of the saw tooth but collapse rapidly during the rising part of the saw tooth. The output starts as a low frequency, rises for 1.15 seconds to a high tone, ceases for .35 seconds and then repeats the cycle.

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12 Volt to 120 Volt Inverter

Ever needed a low power 120volt AC power source for your car, van or truck? Well this circuit should do the trick for you. It will supply 15 watts of AC power to a device. It should power lamps, shavers, small stereos and small appliances. If you draw to much power the circuit will shut down all by itself. The output of this circuit is a square wave so there may be some noticeable hum on audio units plugged into it. To reduce some of the hum increase the value of the output capacitor which is at .47uf now. That transistor in the circuit are high power PNP transistors. Radio Shack part number 276-2025 are good ones to use or TIP32. The transformer is a 24 volt 2 amp center tapped secondary Radio Shack part number 273-1512 or equivalent.

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Voice Record / Playback Circuit

The ISD1000A is a Direct Analog Storage device which allows you to store 20 seconds worth of voice data on an IC chip which can be play backed anytime. The data stored will stay in memory even if the power is removed. To use the circuit below simple apply power to the circuit, press the record button and hold. Speak clearly into the microphone. You have up to 20 seconds of voice message that you can store. If you talk beyond that time the chip will only store the first 20 seconds. After recording, release the record button. To playback the message, press the playback message and the message you recorded will play back. The microphone is an electret mic and the speaker is a 8 ohm speaker. If you use a 16 ohm speaker then the 10 ohm resistor marked optional, can be eliminated. This circuit can be the basis of many other larger projects. For example it could be part of an alarm circuit which plays back a voice warning when the alarm circuit is triggered.

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Plant Moisture Meter

Stick the metal probes into a freshly watered plant and adjust R5 for a mid-scale meter deflection. The meter will monitor the soil wetness and the meter will indicate whether it is to moist or to dry. This circuit uses a dual power supply which could be created by two 9 volt batteries.

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PIC Light Chaser

This month I am continuing with the PIC projects that I started in August. To be able to build this circuit you must build the August circuit which allows you the ability to program PIC's.

The circuit this month is a simple 8 light chaser built around a PIC. This will demonstrate how easy it is to program a PIC and to utilize it in a circuit. The circuit works as follows. When power is supplied to the circuit the PIC resets and starts to process instructions that are programmed into it. The program will turn on each LED in sequence with a small delay between each one. It will continue to do this until power is removed. The nice feature with this circuit is that you can program it to perform many complex lighting sequences. Normally you would have to rebuild a hardware based circuit to change the light sequence. With a PIC all you need to do is reprogram it and plug it back into the circuit. I am assuming that you will be using an IC socket. The circuit is show below and then I will discuss the program that is programmed into the PIC.

The program is listed below:


;Assembly code for PIC16F84 micro controller

;Blinks LED's on the outputs in a rotating pattern.

;With 75khz osc, each LED stays on half a second.

;CPU configuration

; (its a 16F84,RC Oscillator, watchdog timer off, power-up timer on)

processor 16f84



;Declare variables at 2 memory locations.

J equ H'1F' ;J=Address hex 1F

K equ H'1E' ;K=Address hex 1E


org 0 ;start at address 0

;Set port B as output and initialize it

movlw B'00000000' ;w : =00000000 binary

tris PORTB ;port B ctrl register := w

movlw B'00000001' ;w := 00000001 binary

movwf PORTB ;port B itself := w

;Rotate the bits of port B leftward

mloop: rlf PORTB,f

;Waste some time by executing nested loops.

movlw D'50' ;w := 50 decimal

movwf J ;J :=w

jloop: movwf K ;K :=w

kloop: decfsz J,f ;J = J -1, skip next if zero

goto kloop

decsz J,f ;J = J - 1, skip next if zero

goto jloop

;Do it all again

goto mloop


The program works as follows. The first few lines in the program are what is called comment lines. Comment lines assist us in documenting what each part of the programs function is. If a program is commented well, then it will be easier later own to understand why the program was written the way it was. Any line that begins with a semicolon is a comment line and will be ignored when the assembler is run. The assembler is another program that will convert these written instructions and convert them to binary data to be programmed into the PIC. The first true commands that the PIC will process is the processor, include and _config. These instructions tells the assembler that it is using 16F84 instructions. The second instruction says to include a set of predefined constants in a file called Finally, the third instruction sets various configuration bits in the PIC to turn on the RC Oscillator, turn off the watch dog timer and turn on the automatic power up reset timer. That way the PIC will reboot every time power is applied. The two equ instructions reserve memory space in the PIC's RAM for two variables, which is being called "J" and "K". The locations are in Hex 1E and 1F. Theses locations will be used to store counters to keep track of how many times a loop has been repeated. The org instruction tells the assembler that the program starts at location 0. in the program memory and that the actual program is next. The first real PIC instruction is a

movlw instruction that clears the working register called W. That number is then copied into the TRIS control register for Port B, setting pins 6 - 13 to outputs pins instead of input pins. Next the program puts binary 00000001 into the W register and copies it to Port B. That lights the LED connected to pin 6. But before you have time to actually see the LED come on, the program executes an rlf instruction that rotates the contents of Port B to the left , changing the data to 00000010. That will light the LED on pin 7 instead. Repeating that instruction will give 00000100, and then 000010000 and so on, making the LED's flash in a marching pattern. In between rotations, the program needs to wait about a half second so that action isn't to fast to see. That is the purpose of the delay loop. It stores the decimal number 50 in memory locations "J" and "K" using decfsz instruction to count down from 50 to 0. The decfsz instruction means " Decrement and skip next instruction if zero. The last instruction in the program is mloop which sends the program back to the beginning. The end instruction is not a CPU instruction. Instead it tells the assembler that the program is over. To compile the program for the PIC we will be using a program that can be downloaded directly from the Microchip Web site. The program is called MPLAB. It is a developmental program for compiling and testing PIC programs. It will run under Microsoft Windows. The second piece of software that will be needed is the No Parts Programmer (NOPPP) that also works under Microsoft Windows. The use of the program is straight forward. You will load an object file that was created by MPLAB and program it into the PIC. After successfully programming the PIC and testing the circuit, try to modify the program to light the LEDS in a different pattern and then reprogram the PIC and test it.

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PIC Programmer

The following information was extracted from the September 1998 Electronics Now Magazine. The author of the article was Michael A. Covington. In Michael's article he acknowledges the contribution of David Tait in regards to the "TOPIC" program. This project provides the beginning of a Learning Series on PIC micro controller. I will be providing other projects based on PIC in the future and therefore this project, PIC Programmer, is necessary for any future projects. It will allow you to program a PIC to perform functions that in the past would require numerous IC chips.

What is a PIC?. Well, like other micro controllers it is a tiny computer with CPU, ROM, RAM, and I/O circuits all on one chip. I will be focusing my projects on the inexpensive PIC's that are on the market. The chips that I will be using will be 16C84, 16F83 and 16F84. These chips are around $6.00. Because the ROM inside the chips are electrically erasable, the same PIC can be reprogrammed many times for different types of projects. Any information stored in the PIC will be held for more then 40 years, without power applied, until it is electrically erased. Unlike other microcontrollers, these PIC's do not require quartz crystals or resonators for their clock; you can simply use a resistor and capacitor as the oscillating elements.

The project presented here will provide you with the ability to program a PIC from your parallel printer port on your PC computer. To program a PIC is relatively simple. A standard 5 volt DC supply voltage is connected to pin 14 and ground is connected to pin 5. Now bring the voltage on pin 4 to between 12 and 14 volts dc. The data is clocked in one bit at a time through pins 13 and 12. The data itself is sent to pin 13. Once the bit is ready, the voltage on pin 12 is raised to 5 volts for at least 0.1 microseconds before being lowered back to ground. The data that was sent to the chip can sent back out of the chip on pin 13 to verify he accuracy.

The best way to learn to use this circuit is to actually write a program for the PIC and burn it into the chip. The first practical project will be the September Project of the Month. So lets get the programmer built and lets start making projects for the PIC.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Inverter 12V to 220V 100W by Transistor

This circuit power Inverter 100W, it easy and good ideas.
Circuit Inverter 12V to 220V 100W by Transistor

PCB Inverter 12V to 220V 100W by Transistor

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Travel Touch Alarm

The Travel Touch Alarm can be used to provide a audible alarm when someone touches the door knob or handle of your hotel room. The door knob or handle must be made of metal for the circuit to work. The main chip in the circuit is a 555 timer which will be triggered if a hand comes close to or touches the door knob. The circuit attaches to the door knob at the end of the 1 meg ohm resistor. Once the timer is triggered the LED will light and the UJT will output a tone to the speaker. The timer will time out in 5 seconds. The sensitivity of the trigger can be changed by changing the 1 meg ohm resistor to another value. The 5 second time out can be adjusted by changing the value of the resistor connected between pin 8 and pin 7. The output tone can be changed by changing the RC values on the base of the UJT.

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Sun - Up Alarm

The Sun - Up Alarm can be used to provide a audible alarm for when the sun comes up or it can be used in a dark area and detect when a light comes on. It can also be used to detect a light beam, headlights etc. The circuit works as follows. The phototransistor is very sensitive to light. (Any phototransistor will work fine) The sun shining on this device will provide a high to one of the NAND gates. This will cause another NAND gate to oscillate which will drive another gate to output a 100hz tone. The transistor provides drive for the speaker.

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Stereo Mixer

With this circuit you can mix four separate audio inputs. Each input will accept high or low impedance microphones, phonograph, tape or aux signals. You can adjust the gain of each input by adjusting each respective pot. With the Stereo/Mono switch you can combine just inputs 1,2 and 3,4 or in the Mono position combine all four inputs. Signal response is 20 Hz. to 20kHz. with very high input impedance and very low distortion with complete output short circuit protection. This circuit will drive any power amp with an input impedance of 2,000 ohms.

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Variable DC Power Supply

This power supply is based on the LM317 Variable Regulator. The input of the regulator needs to be around 28 Volts DC and it will output a DC voltage from 1.25vdc to 25 vdc. To adjust the output voltage simply turn the 5k ohm pot. The regulator will supply 1.5 amps of current.

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Bike Light Flasher

I ride my bike allot at night and sometimes I'm not sure if people can see me. This circuit will flash an incandescent light that you can purchase from Radio Shack. Adjust the VR's for your flash requirements and make sure that the lamp you use is designed to put out high brightness. The enclosure should be water tight. The Batteries can be replaced by a bike wheel generator and a diode. If you add the generator then you can still use rechargeable batteries and the batteries will charge while you are riding your bike.

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Audio Auto Shutoff

I have had many requests to design or provide circuits for graduation projects. Yes, I had to build a graduation project too before receiving my degree. Even though I have always refused to design circuits for this situation, I thought it might be helpful for you to see what I built for my project many years ago when I graduated in 1978. I will also provide a more detailed description of the circuit than I normally do. Hopefully, this may help some of you with your projects.

The purpose of this circuit is to automatically turn off any device plugged into its power outlets after a certain period of time. Shutoff is activated by an absences of an audio signal or by a standard timer function. This unit would be connected to speaker terminals of a stereo system, tape outputs, TV earphone jack or audio outputs etc. Once the audio signal drops below a predetermined level a timer function will turn off any device powered by the outlets on the back of this unit. For example, if you like to fall asleep listening to your CD player. This unit could be hooked up to your speaker terminals. After the CD is done playing the audio signal would drop below the threshold value and the unit would turn off your stereo system after a certain timer interval had passed and therefore you would not have to worry about falling asleep and having your stereo being on all night. This controller can also be used as a standard timer control without the audio input and turn devices off after a preset time interval. The outlets can handle loads of up to 1200 watts and the unit is fused with a 10 amp fuse for protection.

This is how the unit works. The audio signal goes into IC1a for amplification and filtering with a roll off occurring about 1.25khz at -6db per octave. The second stage, IC1b is a 2 pole filter with a cutoff frequency is approximately 1 khz with unity gain. The 2 stages have a combined roll off of 18db per octave to remove any noise and filter out any high frequency hiss if a radio station of TV station goes off the air. This is helpful if the audio source is either FM or TV. The filtered DC level of D1, D2 and C6 with R10 "bleeding" the charge from the capacitor C6 when the signal is not present. IC1c is used as a comparator having fast "snap action" (positive feedback) so that when the rectified signal applied to the non-inverting (+) input exceeds the level set by the sensitivity control R11, the output switches off very rapidly. When IC1c output is high (audio signal is present), LED1 is turned on and current limited by R15. IC1c output signal turns on the OR gate formed by IC1d which in turn, causes Q4 to saturate and draw current through the coil of reed relay, Relay1. With the reed relay contacts closed, gate power is applied to the triac, and power is present across the multiple AC outlets. This turns on any device connected to these sockets. When the audio signal either disappears or falls below the pre-set sensitivity threshold, comparator IC1c switches off rapidly. This action also starts one of the timers in IC2 whose output pin (pin5) keeps the OR gate operating until the timer times out. Power remains on the AC outlets. If another audio signal should appear within the time-out interval, the second timer within IC2 will generate a 5 millisecond pulse which will turn on Q3 and discharge the main timing capacitor. This resets IC2 back to zero and ensures that the last audio signal is always the one that begins the time out delay. Transistors Q1 and Q2 act as a "quench" circuit by grounding the comparator signal an instant before shutdown. This is necessary because some audio power amplifiers generate a "thump" when turned off and this may retrigger the timer and never allow the system to shutdown. Reed relay Relay1 is necessary for complete isolation between the circuit and the triac. The triac should be heat sinked. The timer function is determined by the setting of normal/timer switch S3, which disables the input circuit by turning on the "quench" transistor, Q1 and connecting the a larger capacitor in parallel with the main timing capacitor. Potentiometer R17 sets the timer delay in either case, although the range for normal and timer positions of S3 is different. To operate the unit set S3 in the normal position and both pots in the mid position and then press the rest button S1. LED1 should turn on ad any device plugged into the AC outlets should turn on. With no audio signal present the LED will go out and the unit will turn off any devices plugged into after the timer expires. The time length is set by R17. Connect an audio source to the unit and adjust the sensitivity control R11 until the LED remains on continuously. The time delay for normal is maxed out at around 20 minutes and in the timer mode it is maxed out at 2 hours.

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Auto Burglar Alarm

This alarm circuit is based on two 555 timers. The alarm will sound your car horn if anyone opens the car door while the circuit is armed. The timers will allow you to leave the car without sounding the horn. To turn the circuit on S1 must be closed. To set the alarm, open S2 ( it is normally closed ) this will give you about 5 seconds to get out and close the door. The exit delay time is set by R1 and C1. If anyone opens the doors for more then two seconds the horn will sound until power is removed from the circuit. The 2 second time is set by R2 and C2. If you open the door, you must deactivate the alarm by closing S2. This very basic circuit could be used for a home also.

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Electronic Combination Lock

This circuit is very basic to build. To open a the lock which is connected to the K1 Load you must press each momentary switch in the correct sequence. The sequence used in this circuit is S1,S2,S3,S4. If any of the other switches are pressed the circuit will reset and you will need to start over. Depending on how you wire the switches, you can use any 4 switch combination.

Voice Scrambler

With this circuit you can modify how your voice sounds by changing the pitch of your voice. This circuit can be connected to a phone and with a duplicate circuit on the end of the phone line, you can have a scrambled voice communication. The way the circuit works is as follows: If we cut the circuit in half at the T2 transformer and include the LM324 on the left side, you will see that the LM324 portion of the circuit is a tone oscillator which shifts the frequency of all input signals to a new higher frequency. When the voice and the tone oscillator mix frequencies the voice is not recognized. The voice signal is then inputted to the second stage which again shifts the voice signal again. I recommend that the first stage be tuned to a frequency that is 100hz lower then the second stage.

Schematic mobile phone Nokia

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